The Canvas Cleaning Company
The Canvas Cleaning Company is a commercial canvas laundry in Somerset specialising in cleaning, waterproofing and repairing canvas structures, all types of bell tents and canvas awnings.
We have developed a tried and tested system with a global laundry expert, bringing together cutting-edge technology and specially formulated products that give outstanding results.
Our waterproofing agent gives unbeatable protection and our state-of-the-art machines have individually designed programmes to get the very best results for each and every item.
How do we know it works?
Because we perfected the process on our very own tents! This means we can hand-on-heart recommend what we do.
As a boutique camping provider ourselves, we know how important it is to have beautifully clean, and professionally waterproofed tents. Our system has been developed by an experienced chemist, and we can tailor our programmes specifically for your item.
Our seamstress has over 30 years’ experience in the trade and can offer all types of repair from small patches to full panel replacements.
About Us
The Canvas Cleaning Company is a subsidiary of Wild Hare Events Ltd, the largest supplier of Lotus Belle tents in the UK.
The idea came to us one cold and rainy winter when we were looking for somewhere local to clean and waterproof our beloved tents. And whilst there are other fantastic cleaning companies out there, we felt no-one quite understood Lotus Belles like we do!
So after a year of research, development, testing and a huge amount of time spent with our amazing chemist and advice from the lovely people at Lotus Belle, the Canvas Cleaning Company was born!
Please contact or telephone 07801 258587