According to my good friend Google, no they don’t. But has it been any different for us here at the Wild Hare HQ?

Well. Apparently, in March and April, hares can often be seen going ‘mad’, leaping about and having wild chases with each other. Whilst we are likely mad, I can’t say there’s been much chasing going on as we emerge, blinking, into the new light of Spring.

With renewed energy, we have been eagerly preparing for what promises to be yet another busy summer. With a warehouse full of kit to clean, sort and repair, recent weeks have seen us counting (and recounting, and recounting becasue we got distracted by something on the radio…) hoovering, washing and sewing to make sure everything is in tip top condition.

Spring is also breathing new life into our website, which has undergone a huge transformation. We hope you love the new look as much as we do!

There are many more exciting developments planned – do watch this space for more Wild Hare Tales.

Until then, enjoy the brighter days and climbing temperatures which will soon bring us to a summer field near you!